Saturday 21 May 2016

Personal - Portfolio & Surgeries

Personal - Portfolio & Surgeries 

PDF Portfolio
Its important to have a physical portfolio to show the quality of your work and process's and a lot of studios ask for a PDF preview before inviting you in to see your physical portfolio. My portfolio can be adapted and manipulated to suit the studio I am sending it too, keeping a breadth of work in it to allow a range of work too be presented however I choose to assemble it.

The contents system will equally be customisable too add a snapshot and preview and add basic context too the work.

The description of the works are kept as concise as possible, outlining the basis of the brief, the problem and presenting a short but concise description of the resolution that adds context and meaning too bold and clear photographs of the work. 

Contacted so far
From now I until the next few months I want to begin getting my portfolio out there, in a bid too gain feedback on my work and allowing me to begin developing how I present it too show each projects potentials and overall allow me to have a body of work I can talk clearly and confidently about.

Portfolio surgeries will benefit this and so far I am in arrangement for 2 visits with Lee Goater and Lee Davies from Peter & Paul after sending him a PDF snapshot of my portfolio. 

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