PPP Update
Begin researching studios that interest me, consider how I could go around contacting them with a main aim at getting a response. Email isn't very personal, create a more personal contact method that communicates you or is more eye catching and grabs the end users attention. (Print media, compliment them, big EGO's up, work towards visits for potential recognition for placements in future)
What do I want to change in the way I work this year?
Make myself noticed, try get external recognition through competition briefs, live briefs, freelance work, placement opportunities.
Whats influenced me over the summer, whats influencing me at current (exhibitions, designers & artists past/present, real life influences)
Plan for this year:
Seeing and recording
Time planning and management
You a brand?
A creative CV, hat is it?
Contacting professionals and networking.
Doing freelance, do you wrk for free?
What is a professional anyway?
Ongoing taks on PPP blog
- Reflecting on this past year, what was the most influencing event I experienced?
- Have I made any contacts that I feel will be of any help this year?
- How did I meet, contact or experience these?
- If I made no contacts at all why? work, illness or commitments etc?
- If I were to make new contacts how would I do it and what would I say?
- Contact studios & designers!
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