Friday 1 April 2016

Leeds Print Festival Poster Printing

Leeds Print Festival Poster Printing

Figuring out the mixing of colour using a rough idea from the mixtures presented on the laptop, it was all a trial and error process but we managed to get near as possible to something mores tone of blue, weighted out the medium and ink and was ready to print. 

Exposing the screen using thin specially produced exposing paper, a lot cheaper than normal paper and exposes a lot better giving crisper clarity too the washed out screen, a consideration we will carry on for more efficient use of time and resources within other jobs.

Setting up and trying out the arm, the equipment is a little off in the print room so the contact wasn't very good leaving some areas of the print a little irregular so we chose to go in by hand and pull the squeegee in tandem with each other allowing us a consistent and solid application of colour. 

A video of us printing the posters, another new skill added too our skillset. We can now print huge scale posters accurately and efficiently and hope to get more work like this for events, exhbitions talks or even other promotions like club nights as we have contacts within multiple business sectors. The first step in the right direction for providing print services, something there is a severe lack of within Leeds and West Yorkshire as a hole to be fair since Dots Printhaus left Leeds. 

End result, very pleased :)

Prints up at Colors May Vary, our first external print job distributed and in situ, these where all sold within the week of the Print Festival.

Big thanks too Leeds Print Festival for the opportunity for us too make a start on our business plans. 

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