Tuesday 13 May 2014

Yorkshire sculpture park visit

Yorkshire sculpture park visit

A few months back I went down to the Yorkshire sculpture park, so annoyed that I have lost all the photos from it and the information I had on the artists who were displaying there work.

I like to visit YSP a lot as its quite local to me, and I feel taking influence from creatives outside of the graphic design industry provides me with a fresh, more open base to form ideas inspiration from. Although quite controversial the ideas behind sculpture and fine art can be perceived in alot of ways and unlike graphic design which is design thats out in the open to public access fine art & sculptures mood, aesthetic, and concept is strengthened by its surroundings and how the work is presented. 

Very rare to see typographic consideration at YSP, I loved this stencil typography, analogue produced rather than digitally produced and it could almost appear laser cut due to the broken up construction of the glyphs. 

Going back to the mention of how sculpture aesthetics depend on positioning and there surroundings I love how the is string of sculptures all frame other sculptural elements within the landscape. 

Love the monochrome colors along with the relatively simple combination of simple shapes that create this abstract sculpture that has certain modernist aesthetics. 

Loved this physical typography and how the words "everything is connected" meaning is communicated through electrical power, while in context of nature and rural backgrounds showing an abstract connection of modern elements and natural elements. 

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