Monday 6 April 2015

Local Studio - Morley - Made by Analogue

Local Studio - Morley - Made by Analogue 

I came across Analogue after searching through local studios for possible studio visits or placements and there specialisms really suit my current focus area within branding, the work they carry out is varied when it comes to the type of organizations they work from ranging from products targeted at children to high end soap products aimed at specific niche audiences all the way to events and restaurant identities. The diverse clients they work for runs parallel with there multi discipline approach that results in varied aesthetics and concepts that resonate specifically with there intended target audiences. 

The name Analogue also resonates well with there multi discipline and varied process approach to there work showing how a name choice in my own brand identity is ever important. 

Good example of diverse use of process's. 

Strong use of concepts displaying niche products in abstract and unique ways to strengthen concepts for products aimed at specific target audiences. 

I live in Morley so due to the close by location of the studio it seems an ideal option for a potential summer placement, if not a placement then a studio visit to inform me of how a successful studio runs. 

I need to get together a CV and PDF Portfolio of work so will email John for a little help regarding what to include in terms of amount and how much description is needed, layout and tone of voice of the CV and portfolio.

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